Livestock Rules
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4-H and FFA Livestock Rules
4-H and FFA members will be limited to two large animals (beef, sheep, goat, swine) to be housed on the fairgrounds and shown during fair because of space availability.
4-H and FFA market animals (beef, sheep, goats and swine) are officially entered at pre-fair weigh-in dates.
All animals must be fed and watered twice daily by 9:00 am and prior to barn closing, unless otherwise specified by barn superintendent. All pens are to be cleaned daily.
Animals not properly cared for will be removed and premium money withheld. Care of all livestock animals will be consistent with production practices and accepted standards. Exhibitors must observe withdrawal periods and be aware of penalties associated with off-label use of all drugs and feed additives.
All 4-H Livestock exhibitors must have on file with the Extension Office a signed Consignment/Responsibility Agreement and Producers Affidavit to participate in the market animal sale.
All male market or pet livestock must be castrated.
Any animal that cannot be handled safely, or is a danger to the public, may not be shown or sold through the Market Animal Sale and may be removed from the Fairgrounds. The 4-H Coordinator, barn superintendent, a member of the Livestock Committee, the 4-H volunteer/FFA advisor, parent and the exhibitor will make this decision.
Any exhibitor using tranquilizers (including nose tongs) on an animal or any other unethical behavior shall forfeit all of their premium money, ribbons and will not be allowed to participate in the Market Animal Sale.
All 4-H and FFA Market Lambs must be sheared within 10 days prior to the fair. An official sheep shearing will be set up by the Extension Office. Members can choose to participate in this shearing or may shear on their own with leader approval. Failure to shear your animal, or shearing at the fair, will result in the loss of showing privileges for the Grand Champion Round. Shearing will be determined at final weigh in.
All 4-H and FFA livestock exhibitors are required to be present when their livestock are judged and sold.
Blue, red and white ribbons will be awarded according to the judge’s placing at the live animal show.
White ribbons received in
Quality Class
will not sell as they are deemed not of market quality or ready to be harvested.
DRESS CODE: 4-H members showing livestock will wear slacks or jeans of any color that are clean and in good repair and button up shirts or blouses that are short or long-sleeved and are at least long enough to be securely tucked into slacks or jeans, with leather close-toed shoes. In quality classes club shirts will be allowed, but must be clean and long enough to be tucked in. Exceptions: It is strongly recommended that all dairy exhibitors show in all white. Market goat members should show in a white shirt and black pants or jeans.
All 4-H and FFA livestock exhibitors must attend the special orientation meeting at 8:00 am, Thursday, September 18 in the sale arena.
4-H and FFA breeding animals will be shown by project area. One champion and one reserve champion ribbon will be awarded to the top two animals of each sex. Purebred and crossbred animals will show together for champion and reserve champion ribbons.
All 4-H and FFA Livestock must arrive at their designated time on Wednesday, September 18 unless otherwise pre-arranged with the Extension Office.
4-H and FFA market animal sale entry limitations – one animal or pen per exhibitor.
All market animals will be weighed at the Fairgrounds on Wednesday, designated time on Wednesday, September 18 prior to sunset. Any animal that has lost its official ear tag will have a new tag applied at this time.
Scrapies tags must be in the sheep’s/goat’s ear. Each lamb/ goat for sale MUST have a scrapies tag before entering the fairgrounds.
Animals that do not make the minimum sale weights will be judged separately and will not be eligible to sell. Animals exceeding sale weights will sell but will only receive bid price up to the maximum allowed weight. Weights are: Market Beef 1100 lbs-1600 lbs; Sheep 100 lbs - 160 lbs; Swine 225 lbs - 325 lbs; Stock-Feeder 500 lbs - 900 lbs; Market Goats 50 lbs - 140 lbs.
Market animals will be allowed to weigh once. If an animal is over or under weight, the scale will be cleared and the animal will be re-weighed immediately. The second weight will be the official weight. Animals must be dry when weighed.
Animals that are over or under weight are not eligible to receive grand champion or reserve champion in quality classes.
In the event that a member’s animal dies before fair and cannot be replaced, that member will be allowed to show in a participation/hardship class using an animal from their project species that is assigned by the club leader. However, preference for call backs will go to the original owner.
Livestock Record Books must be into the the 4-H Fair Office by 5:00 pm, Thursday, September 19 for the project animal to be eligible to sell.
The market animal sale order is computer generated and then reviewed by the 4-H/FFA Livestock Sale Committee
Only dehorned or naturally polled beef project animals will be eligible to show.
Horns on goats will be allowed only in Pack (regardless of breed type) and Meat type projects due to breed and animal safety requirements. Sharp horn ends must be tipped or wrapped for handler and public safety
All dairy, dairy type breeding, pet and cloverbud goats must be naturally polled or dehorned. Any animal having scurs over one inch from the base of the horn to the tip will be disqualified.
Brand inspection papers and hauling permits or bills of sale must be obtained before animals are transported to the Fairgrounds. These papers are to be presented to the Brand Inspector or Beef Superintendent at the time steers are weighed in. Proceeds will be held until brand requirements are satisfied.
All cattle must be halter broke.
All un-penned cattle must be double tied in barn (halter plus safety rope around neck).
Any market heifer will show with market steer classes.
Female goats and sheep within the last 14 days of pregnancy, and 14 days following the birth of live or deceased lambs/kids are not allowed to be exhibited at the Nez Perce County Fair due to Q-fever concerns. Q-fever is a bacterial organism commonly shed by sheep, goats and cattle. Goats and sheep in the last 14 days of pregnancy, and female goats and sheep up to 14 days postpartum are most likely to be shedding this organism. This disease is communicable to humans.
A release signed by the 4-H Program Coordinator will be required of any livestock leaving the fairgrounds prior to the end of fair. Release forms will have to be shown to gate personnel before any animal can be removed from the fairgrounds. Superintendents are responsible for checking out animals.
Members must bring addressed, stamped thank you notes to all buyers and supporters when picking up their sale check.
Exceptions to these rules will be reviewed by a 4-H and FFA Livestock Grievance Committee on a case-by-case basis with final decisions to be made by this committee.
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